Washington County Maryland Retired Educational Personnel Association Aspiring Teacher Scholarship
Purpose: To provide financial scholarship assistance to students who are graduating from or have graduated from Washington County Maryland Public Schools under the jurisdiction of the Washington County Board Education. Students who apply must be aspiring to become teachers. Applicants must either be entering or are already enrolled in an institution of higher learning where they are in a program that will result in a professional teacher's certificate.
Amount: Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded. The number of scholarships to be given in 2025 is to be determined.
Qualifications: Educational Achievement 1. Applicant must have at least a 2.50 grade point average at the time of application. 2. A college letter of admission, stating, when possible, student’s acceptance into the field of education.
Application: The application must include: A. A completed cover sheet. B. A letter indicating why you feel that you are eligible for a WCREPA Scholarship. Please include leadership roles and community involvement in your letter. C. A valid transcript (most recent). D. Two (2) letters of recommendation from persons not related to any member of WCREPA or applicant’s family, and who can attest to leadership qualities, citizenship standards, financial need and other pertinent information. E. Be available to be interviewed by the Committee, if necessary (finalists will be notified).
Limitations: A. The recipient may reapply annually. Include proof that you are an educational major, for example, a letter from your advisor. B. The awards will be made based upon the decision of the Committee. The Committee’s decision is final. C. INCOMPLETE OR INACCURATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. D. If deemed necessary, the parent(s) most recent tax return must be provided to the Committee. E. Applications received beyond March 31st will not be considered.
Procedure: A. Announcement The announcement of the names of the successful applicants will be made before June 1 of each year. B. Payment The Assistant Treasurer of the WCREPA will forward a check in the amount of $500.00 to the financial officer of the institution of higher learning at the beginning of each semester. One check will be sent upon matriculation of the student and the second check will be forwarded at the beginning of the second semester providing the student has maintained a 2.50 grade point average, and submitted a transcript from the previous semester. Applications may be submitted online to [email protected] by March 31st 2025 or may be sent by US postal mail to Cathy Grantham or Glenda Norris and must be postmarked by March 31, 2025. Please email [email protected] for their addresses.
Official Washington County Retired Educational Personnel Association Website.