MAY 3, 2024
A donation of $1,230.00 to the Community Free Clinic was given by members of WCREPA. From left to right the ladies are Co-president of WCREPA Christina Doucette, Lisa Goetz the Development Coordinator at the Clinic, Debra Grove who is Clinical Director taff member, and Lucy Linn the other Co-president of WCREPA.
A donation of $1,230.00 to the Community Free Clinic was given by members of WCREPA. From left to right the ladies are Co-president of WCREPA Christina Doucette, Lisa Goetz the Development Coordinator at the Clinic, Debra Grove who is Clinical Director taff member, and Lucy Linn the other Co-president of WCREPA.
May 5,2023
"Sleep in Heavenly Peace" to be sure no kid sleeps on the floor in our town. Members donated $2,100.00 at the Spring luncheon for beds as shown here.May 5,2023 "Sleep in Heavenly Peace" to be sure no kid sleeps on the floor in our town. Members donated $2,100.00 at the Spring luncheon for beds as shown here. |

Bonnie Brown, Ann Marie Downey, and Debbie Banister with the books collected in September 2016. The books will be distributed through a community program to children who need books to read.

At our May 2016 luncheon, WCREPA members presented donations of $910 for the Star Community. Bonnie Brown, co-president; Kathleen Pleasant, past co-president; and Debbie Banister, co-president are shown presenting the money to Star Community personnel - Dan Day, Director, and Stephanie Langenstein.

At our May 2013 membership meeting/luncheon, members of WCREPA collected money for the local Korean War Veterans Memorial Fund. Presenting the donation of $300.00 to Les Bishop of Antietam Chapter 312, Korean War Veterans Association, are WCREPA co-presidents, Tena Lane (left) and Ann Marie Downey (right). The memorial is located at the corner of Potomac Ave. and Mealey Parkway in Hagerstown.