WCREPA Supports Local Education and the Community
The Washington County Retired Educational Personnel Association has supported
our community and local education for several years.
our community and local education for several years.
Members donated $1,430.00 to the Salvation Army at the Winter luncheon. $1,430.00
Members also donated $1,230.00 to Community Free Clinic at the Spring luncheon $1,230.00
Three $1,000 scholarships were given to graduates of WCPS (see Scholarship TAB) $3,000.00
Holly Place for needy elderly people - collected during the Holiday Luncheon $3,000.00 This donation was doubled by a community program to $6,000.00
"Sleep in Heavenly Peace" to be sure no kid sleeps on the floor in our town. $ 2,100.00
Members donated $2,100.00 at the Spring luncheon to build beds for
Holly Place for needy elderly people $2,423.00
This donation was doubled by a community program to $4,846.00
One $2,000 scholarship was given to a junior level college student aspiring $2,000.00
to teach in Washington County MD.
Members' checks totaling $1,423.00 were donated to Meal on Wheels
This amount will provide 159 noon-time meals to shut-in senior citizens. $1,423.00
Meals on Wheels - this provides 250 meals for needy shut-in senior citizens $2,055.00
Two scholarships of $1,000 each to WCPS students $2,000.00
aspiring to become teachers
Six $1,000 each scholarships to WCPS students
aspiring to become teachers $6,000.00
Holly Place for needy elderly people $2120.00
This donation was doubled by a community program to $4,240.00
Six $1,000 each scholarships to WCPS students $6,000.00
aspiring to become teachers
Meals on Wheels $950.00
Holly Place for needy elderly people $1,472.00
This donation was doubled by a community program to $2,944.00
Crocheted items made by members were presented to Meritus Medical Center for children
Six $1,000 each scholarships to WCPS students who are
aspiring to become teachers $6,000.00
Holly Place for needy elderly people $1,150.00
Brooke's House for drug rehabilitation $1,350.00
A book donation drive was conducted to receive books
to be distributed to children.
Six $1,000 each scholarships to WCPS students who are
aspiring to become teachers $6,000.00
Brooke's House for drug rehabilitation $2,136.00
Doey's Hospice House Building Fund $2,535.00
Total amount given to Doey's House in 3 years is $8,230
A book donation drive was conducted to receive books
to be distributed to children. (See picture under Other Donations tab)
Meals on Wheels $1,284.00
Seven $600.00 scholarships to county students who are
aspiring to be teachers $4,200.00
Doey's Hospice House Building Fund $2,555.00
Holly Place $1,406.00
Star Community $910.00
Six $1,000 each scholarships to county students who are
aspiring to become teachers $6,000.00
Doey's Hospice House Building Fund $3,140.00
Holly Place $1,400.00
MIHI Project Lifesaver $625.00
Washington County Child Center $500.00
Holly Place $960.00
Six $1,000 each scholarships to county students who are
aspiring to become teachers $6,000.00
Doleman Black Heritage Museum $465.00
Six $1,000 each scholarships to county students who are
aspiring to become teachers $6,000.00
Washington County Family Center Approx $700.00
Holly Place $920.00
Korean War Veterans Memorial Fund Chapter 312 $300.00
Six $1,000 each scholarships to county students who are aspiring to
become teachers $6,000.00
Six $1,000 each scholarships to county students who are aspiring to become teachers $6,000.00
Memorial Recreation Center $190.00
Washington County Family Center $190.00
Holly Place $190.00
2009 – 2010
Six $1,000 each scholarships to county students who are aspiring to become
teachers $6,000.00
Washington County Rural Heritage Museum $250.00
Washington County Family Center -- five $50.00 gift certificates $250.00
Children in Need -- school supplies, new clothing, and books plus $450.00
MIHI, Inc. -- Project Life Saver $462.00
Holly Place -- various cleaning and paper supplies plus cash $810.00